Frequently Asked Questions

Shipping Information:

  1. Shipping Costs:
    • Shipping costs vary based on the destination and quantity of items.
    • Free worldwide shipping on all orders.
    • DHL Express shipping costs €20 per order.
    • All prices are in EUR.
  2. Shipping Time:
    • Orders typically ship within 5 to 8 business days.
    • Domestic orders: Additional 1-2 weeks transit.
    • International orders: Additional 1 to 3 weeks transit, depending on location.
  3. Sizing Specs:
    • Sizes are true to US sizes.
    • Refer to the size chart in the product description on each product page.
  4. Order Placement Issues:
    • If you encounter issues placing an order, contact Customer Service for a prompt resolution.

Order Status:

  1. Order Tracking:
    • Track your order anytime by visiting “Track My Order.”
  2. Late Order Assistance:
    • Domestic orders: Allow an additional 1-2 weeks.
    • International orders: Allow an additional 1 to 3 weeks.
    • Contact customer service if not received after 20 (domestic) or 30 (international) business days.
  3. Tracking Number Issues:
    • Tracking numbers may take 3-5 days to appear.
    • If issues persist, contact the shipping carrier.

Order Modifications:

  1. Modify Order:
    • Address changes allowed for a short period after order placement.
    • Check eligibility on “Track My Order.”
  2. Cancel Order:
    • Order cancellations allowed for a short period after placement.
    • Check eligibility on “Track My Order.”
  3. Return or Replace Order:
    • 100% quality guarantee.
    • Review Returns & Exchanges policy for instructions.

Payment Information:

  1. Accepted Payment Methods:
    • Credit Cards: Visa, American Express, Mastercard, JCB, Discover.
    • Debit Cards: Mastercard or Visa logo.
    • PayPal: Linked to any bank account or credit card.
  2. Payment Security:
    • Transactions verified for security.
    • CVV verification required.
    • Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software encrypts information.
  3. Security Code:
    • 3-4 digit security code on cards.
    • Front (American Express) or back (other cards).
  4. Order Charging:
    • Immediate charge upon order placement.


  1. Report Policy Violations:
    • Report violations through the Legal page.
  2. Customer Support:
    • Contact customer service at “Contact Us” for any queries.
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